The Office of 学生的行为 serves to support the 任务 and Ethos of 威尼斯游戏大厅 through fair and equitable processes that serves to maintain a community of excellence, 安全与品格. 与这一使命相一致,学生行为办公室将:
- 保护利益, 威尼斯游戏大厅的权利和价值观,坚持所有的地方, 州和联邦法律.
- Hold students and student groups accountable and challenge them to understand their actions and how they impact the larger campus community.
- Encourage students to interrogate their own values and identify how they may adopt alternative patterns of behavior that support their ideals.
学生行为报告: 填写此表格,向学生行为办公室提出投诉. 一名听证官将对投诉作出回应.
校园气候报告: The 校园 climate Response Protocol advances this commitment by providing a mechanism by which individuals may report incidents of real or perceived bias, 排除, 或不平等,并通过校园资源寻求支持来解决这些问题.
第九条 & 性行为: Important information on how to report sexual misconduct; including sexual harassment, 性侵犯, 约会暴力, 家庭暴力和跟踪.
Pio的支持: The Student Support Team supports student retention and a healthy campus community at 威尼斯游戏大厅 by coordinating support services and appropriate interventions to assist students who are in distress or who have reportedly displayed troublesome or concerning behaviors.
a. The Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) prohibits educational institutions from disclosing information from a student's educational record to any third party, 包括父母, 未经学生同意. 威尼斯游戏大厅严格遵守FERPA的规定, 然而, some exceptions may be made including when there is a concern regarding the health and safety of the involved student, when there are repeated 违反 of misuse of alcohol or illegal/控制 substances or a repeated pattern of student misconduct. 父母/监护人因不当行为而被联系的情况, 通知将与学生一起发出.
b. 学生可以向学生行为主管申请FERPA豁免.
Sanctions for student misconduct are developed on an individualized basis and focus on individual development, 个人成长,如果可能的话, 对已造成伤害的地方进行和解和修复. 许多途径被用来实现这一目标,包括反思, 项目, 罚款, 恢复对话, 指导机会和发展对话. 在严重不当行为的情况下, 威尼斯游戏大厅保留将该学生赶出校园社区的权利.
学生必须遵守学生行为办公室的要求, 包括参与听证过程. 学生是否应该不遵守规定, decisions may be made in the absence of the alleged individual and a non-compliance charge of $50 will be placed on the student account.
学生可以在听证会上有指导老师在场. 然而, Advisors are intended to serve as a supportive/informative measure and may not communicate with the hearing officer(s).
Students do have the ability to appeal the decision provided based on the following criteria:
- 妨碍公正裁决的程序错误;
- 重大错误陈述或误用校规, 涉嫌违反法规或政策的;
- Decision not supported by substantial evidence; or
- Material evidence or facts newly discovered which could not with reasonable diligence have been discovered and introduced at the hearing.
如学生手册所述, The Student Code of Conduct is applied to both on and off campus settings as well as online and digital spaces (including social media and blogging platforms).
“可能性大于不可能性”一词是所有行为诉讼中使用的证明标准. 它相当于法律上的“证据优势”标准.在这个标准下, 一个学生, 注册的俱乐部, 学生组织, 兄弟会和姐妹会组织, or Team will be found responsible for violating the Student Code of Conduct only with the information presented during the conduct process would lead a Reasonable Person to conclude that it is more likely than not that the accused Student, 注册的俱乐部, 学生组织, 兄弟会和姐妹会组织 or Team’s actions violated the Student Code of Conduct.
是的. 收到学生行为办公室的通知后, 学生可以要求一份他们记录的事件的副本. 这必须在听证会前24小时以上完成. For the privacy of all involved, names and other information deemed to be sensitive may be redacted.
学生行为程序是基于公平和公正. 被指控的个人将能够阅读所有相关信息, 提供他们对情况的描述,并探讨合理的结果. Hearing Officers will make decisions based on all information provided and come to a conclusion of whether the student is to be found responsible or not responsible.
学生有责任了解和理解所有的政策和程序. 缺乏知识并不是行为不端的借口. 如果不清楚具体的政策,鼓励学生联系学校官员.
- 可以拥有酒精饮料, 只能由法定饮酒年龄的人购买和/或消费, 而且只能在学校指定的区域.
- 任何个人不得, 出售, 为未成年人分发或提供酒精饮料. This includes hosting a gathering where underage individuals are in possession of alcoholic beverages.
- Intoxication and/or alcohol abuse shall not be tolerated and will not be accepted as an excuse for unlawful behavior or misconduct.
- Alcoholic beverages will be permitted at approved campus events in accordance with the guidelines established by the university.
- 在大学的体育比赛中,严禁饮用任何种类的酒精饮料, 在大学拥有或租用的车辆, 在教室里, 除非大学制定的指导方针允许.
- Alcoholic beverages are never to be used as a reward for achievement or given as a prize or an award.
- 普通的酒精来源,如小桶,是被禁止的.
- 无论年龄大小,都禁止携带与酒精有关的物品.
- Any intoxicated person will be considered to be in possession of an alcoholic beverage by consumption.
The level at which the alleged alcohol violation will be heard is determined by the specifics of the particular incident, 过去的历史或行为违规, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, 以及其他可能同时发生的违法行为.
- 一级酒精违规 会不会收到书面警告, 100美元的罚款, and additional sanctions which may include participation in an Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) assessment or education programs.
- 二级酒精违规 will likely result in a $150 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification, 以及参与AODA评估或教育计划.
- 第三级酒精违法行为 will likely result in a $200 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification 以及参与AODA评估或教育计划, 和/或转介到卡罗尔行为委员会,可能导致缓刑, 悬架, 或者被终止住宿和/或开除.
*第一, 第二个 and third level alcohol sanctions may be more severe depending of the specifics of the particular incident, 过往违反行为纪录, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, 以及其他可能同时发生的违法行为.
- 拥有, 出售, 分布, 生产, 或非法使用/误用, 控制, 或禁用物质是被禁止的.
- 占有, 使用和/或分发任何强奸药, 包括但不限于迷奸药, 克他命, 迷奸, 迷药, 没有处方, 是被禁止的, 给另一个学生服用这些药物是, 另外, 违反了性行为不端政策. 有关这些药物的更多信息可在 http://www.911年强奸.org .
- 随身物品:拥有随身物品, 包括但不限于烟枪, 水烟, 按比例缩小的, 禁止以非法吸毒为目的的烟斗.
- 处方药是受管制的物质. 禁止出于非医疗原因使用处方药. 处方药只能由得到处方的学生使用.
所谓非法的程度, 控制, and banned substance violation will be heard is determined by the specifics of a particular incident, 过往违反行为纪录, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, 以及其他可能同时发生的违法行为.
- 第一级:非法的、受管制的或被禁止的物质 违反 会不会收到书面警告, 100美元的罚款, and additional sanctions which may include participation in an Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse (AODA) assessment or education programs.
- 第二级违法、管制或禁用物质违法行为 will likely result in a $150 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification, 以及参与AODA评估或教育计划.
- 第三级违反非法、管制或禁止的物质 will likely result in a $200 fine and additional sanctions which may include parental notification and participation in an AODA assessment or educational programs, 和/或转介到卡罗尔行为委员会,可能导致缓刑, 悬架, 或者被终止住宿和/或开除.
*第一, 第二个, 第三层是非法的, 控制, or banned substance sanctions may be more severe depending on the specifics of the particular incident, 违反行为的历史, 被指控的违法行为的严重程度, 以及其他可能同时发生的违法行为.
学生行为主任 & 预防暴力